Monday, September 30, 2019

Media Hype, Racial Profiling, and Good Science Essay

Summary: Gold begins his essay right away, without any sort of formality. The essay begins with Gold laying a foundation for the requirements of â€Å"good science. † After which Gold spells out the requirements of articles to sell large volumes of newspapers. This latter generates the term anecdotes. The term anecdote is analyzed, scrutinized and concluded as unacceptable due to the evidence relying more on beliefs than facts. Thus creating a vicious circle. Gold than highlights the fact that there exists large numbers or web pages, lawsuits, publications and presentations specifically directed at the issue. Varying levels of government in the United States has passed legislation about the issue. Individuals known as experts of have been successful writing books and employed as expert witnesses or consultants on the matter. Departments of been created to address the issue and conferences devoted to the topic. The American experience has been deemed applicable in Canada. Gold delves into the high social costs involved in the existence and beliefs of the racial profiling anecdotes. The solution is more important than the conception. Gold offers that communication, building trust, transparency and any inappropriate behavior dealt with seriously by the government are requirements to the solution. Gold then goes on to say that the community must also realize that the guilty may use any method to escape punishment. Gold comments that racial profiling is a phenomenon that is supposed to exist in Policing. The Toronto Star claims to have proved this phenomenon by evidence. This evidence needs to be examined by science. Gold then begins to explore the definition of racial profiling. Sometimes the term is used when a handful of officers are bigots. Sometimes it is applied when it seems that the police service promotes racism through its training materials. There is no evidence that American policing material is connected to Toronto Police. Profiling is the activity and racial a subspecies of profiling. Criminal law literature hosts a variety of profiles. As well, police profilers generate ad hoc profiles. Profiling is a â€Å"junk science† involving vague and non-specific characteristics that can be manipulated. There is no scientific merit to profiling. Racial profiling is one-dimensional profiling where the race replaces all other characteristics. Profiling implies to tell us something about an unknown suspect by identifying characteristics. Racial profiling claims to predict the race of a suspect. Claims should recognize the difference between reactive and proactive policing. Reactive policing is when police seek out a specific gender and race because witnesses described the culprit as such. Reactive policing is irrelevant to profiling. Proactive police activity should be the only data used. Statistics on police-minority interactions need to take into consideration the demographics of a given area. Also, are police targeting specific activity due to community concerns in a certain area? It may surprise people to know how much police activity is reactive and how little is proactive. The Toronto Star fails to recognize such issues. The data collected by the Toronto Star also fails to make the distinction. Gold then moves into to the claims and conclusions aspect of the essay. Stating that data collected needs something to be compared to or measured against, some sort of baseline. The Toronto Star used general population figures from the last available census. Apparently, using uses such as a baseline in unacceptable in the expert statistical analysis. Gold attempts to illustrate that fact that the Toronto Star blundered their way from the statistical analysis without using any accepted criteria. After which Gold suggests that data collection needs to be done under comparable conditions. Gold then moves onto another publication â€Å"Wortley and Tanner,† and the definition used by them. The term greater levels are brought up, and Gold asks â€Å"compared to what? † Wortley and Tanner utilized surveys to collect their data, which results in an opinions and claims survey. Gold calls such data collection, â€Å"Anecdotes in bulk. † After this, Gold goes on for some time about assumptions and making the leap from report to reality based on anecdotal evidence. Gold implies that the Toronto Star failed to take into consideration population distribution and population concentration of identifiable groups. The Toronto Star assumes that all groups are even distributed amongst throughout the general population. The Toronto Star compares data of an ethnic population to number of arrests for violent crimes in higher. Violent crimes will be a reactive policing perspective with witnesses identifying physical traits of the culprits. Such data cannot be used for profiling. This was mentioned earlier on in Gold’s essay. Gold then gives an example of a specific case in the United States where profiling failed the Police investigation. Constant failure to identify criminals using a profile would become apparent with an increase in unsuccessful outcomes. For the conclusion, Gold regurgitates the term â€Å"junk science† and how it is unsuccessful. Then applauds Wortley and Tanner for their cautionary note to have such figures scrutinized by experts and peers before releasing results to the public and that quality control needs to be applied to media discussions on the topic. Strengths: Gold does a good job comparing â€Å"good science† with â€Å"junk science,† and how inaccurate the use of â€Å"junk science† will be. Gold quickly defines terms that he continually uses throughout the rest of his essay to assist the reader in following his train of thought. At the beginning of the essay Gold lays the groundwork for what he will discuss throughout the essay. He, quickly lays down his assumption of what racial profiling is and how unlikely that it is used by police. Gold lies out his essay with sections with subtle conclusions being drawn by the end of each. This helps to keep the reader on track as he attempts to dispel the phenomenon known as racial profiling. Hold spends most of his time attacking the foundation of each group or agencies bases for profiling. He uses references and his knowledge of statistical analysis to debunk each idea. Also, Gold uses various examples of how ineffective the outcome would be given each scenario. Gold illustrates how some groups confuse proactive and reactive policing as the same thing, when in fact they are not. He does his best bring that idea several time throughout the essay. Gold is forthcoming with the fact that he was retained by Toronto Police to make submissions on this same very topic. That mention shows that Gold is trying to be honest with the reader. Also, I believe that it aids the read into recognizing that Gold would have had to do a far amount of research to make such submissions. The fact that Gold is privately employed and not a government employee may make the reader feel that he is less-biased on this particular topic. Weaknesses: At some points during the essay Gold seem to gone off on a tangent. At one point he offers solutions to bridge the gap between government agencies and communities. This is done more than once, and was not relevant to the topic being discussed in the essay. There are a few points where Gold appears to be talking in circles with verbal jargon. I didn’t feel those points in his essay resulted in any valid point to validate his argument. It was almost as though Gold digressed or lost focus for a moment. There are points within the essay where Gold appears to put his personal thoughts in brackets, thereby taking away from his credibility. For most of the essay Gold is trying to prove that the Toronto Star wrote an article without merit or proper research. Near the end of the essay he brings up another writer â€Å"Wortley and Tanner. † I believe that it would have been more effective he had integrated both writings earlier on in the essay. It appears as though â€Å"Wortley and Tanner,† are almost an afterthought. Conclusion: I think Gold effectively made his point with this essay. He is credible and knowledgeable, proving his point with examples, scenarios and data. He shows an appreciation for other points of view and illustrates how they may be incorrect based on their data collection. He affectively dissects the definition of the issue and how come groups confuse racism with racial profiling. As well his recognizes the differences between proactive and reactive policing. Gold shows how reactive policing gets generalized by most groups when in fact the investigation is driven by information from independent sources. I believe the weak points in Gold’s essay are overshadowed by his strong points, resulting in a fair and reasonable conclusion to his argument.

Sunday, September 29, 2019


Romanticism: Be Naturally Unique Ralph Wald Emerson once said, â€Å"to be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. † The people from the Romanticism period in Europe during the nineteenth century would strongly agree with Emerson words. Romantics thought it was important to be different and unique. Romantics are: Sensitive, emotional, prefer color to form, the exotic to the familiar, [are] eager for†¦ Adventure†¦ F fantasy, [are] insistent on the uniqueness of the individual to the point of making a virtue eccentricity, the typical Romantic will old that he cannot be typical, for the very concept of â€Å"typical† suggests the work of the pigeonholing intellect he scorns. (Britton) Romanticism â€Å"can be defined as a reaction against eighteenth-century neoclassicism and the rationalism and physical materialism of the European Enlightenment† (Edwards). It supported opposite ideas than tho se from the Enlightenment.In Capper David Fredrick's art, Ludwig Tick's literature, Viscount Franà §ois Rene © De Sectarianism's religious proposals, and J. G. Herder's philosophical ideas, these key concepts of Romanticism are found. Capper David Fredrick's painting â€Å"Abbey Graveyard in the Snow,† depicts a Gothic view of a magical monastic church. It â€Å"rejects the limits of Enlightenment rationalism and the reality of nineteenth century urban life† (Sherman 107). The painting accurately demonstrates the sublime; it shows the importance of nature and arouses strong emotions, especially fear (Kananga et. L. 583). It is a very spooky painting that shows the contribution of surreal images during the Romantic period. Although it is somewhat accurate, many of its characteristics include unrealistic and imaginative concepts. An important Romantic idea is that one's emotions and feelings are more important than rationality and order, as was supported during the En lightenment. Nature was also a very important characteristic of Romanticism. Frederica does a great Job of including â€Å"the spirituality of nature and the glories or Christianity' (Sherman 107) in this painting.He portrays the humans as very insignificant compared to the overwhelming natural figures surrounding them. This melancholy painting clearly demonstrates many of the important aspects from the Romantic period. Like Frederica, Johann Gottfried herder showed the key concepts of Romanticism but through his philosophical essay â€Å"On the Knowing and Feelings of the Human Soul. † By â€Å"[rejecting] the mechanical explanation of nature†¦ [and] believing [that] each language and culture are the unique expression of people† (Kananga et. L. 588) it is evident that Herder is a true Romantic man. To Herder, nature and organic concepts were significant aspects. Individuality and each individual accepting their unique qualities was also something that Herder sup ported and thought was important for each person to have, Just as most Romantics do. Viscount Franà §ois Rene © De Sectarianism's book, The Genius of Christianity also demonstrates the â€Å"strong Roman Catholic revival [that] took place in France† during the Romantic period (Kananga et. Al. 587).This book taught all Catholics that â€Å"the foundation of faith in the church was the emotion that its teachings and sacraments inspired in the heart of the Christian† (Kananga et. Al. 587). Passion was very important to Catholicism in Sectarianism's perspective. In the book, Scatterbrained writes, â€Å"every thing in a Gothic church reminds you of the labyrinths of a wood†¦ And] excites a feeling of religious awe, of mystery, and of the Divinity' (Sherman 107). The Genius of Christianity shows classic characteristics from the Romantic period such as curiosity in the supernatural and the irrational, along with dramatic and gothic scenes created.As Scatterbrained s ays himself, â€Å"the more remote were these times the more magical they appeared†¦ The more they inspired ideas†¦ † (Sherman 107). Scatterbrained sees a correlation between the secluded time period and the magical and imaginative interpretations. To depict Romantic characteristics, Ludwig Thick sees his novel, William Lovely, to create a comparison between a Romantic character, Lovely, and Enlightened characters. Lovely's â€Å"life is built on love and imagination† (Kananga et. Al. 81) but the people he is compared to â€Å"live by cold reason alone† (Kananga et. Al. 581). Ludwig attacks reasonable and rational concepts by saying that imagination is better and more important. By portraying two women, who are very materialistic and reasonable, and how they destroy Lovely, Thick does a good Job of criticizing the rational world. Because Thick depicts the negative aspects of enlightened thought, he, at the same time, tries to support and overcome peopl e with natural, irrational, and imaginative Romantic ideals.Evidently, it was very important to Romantics to remain unique individuals and be proud of their own individuality. They all enjoyed nature and what it brought for people in this Romantic period. Although something might be strange, or even scary, it was admired for its natural appeal and the affect it had on one's emotions. Oliver James put the importance of individuality into the question, â€Å"why are you trying so hard to fit in, when you're born to stand out? â€Å" Romanticism The Romantic Era was a phenomenal movement in which many artistic and literary ideas emerged in the 18th century in Europe. Writers, painters, and artists put more expression and knowledge in their work and they were the reason of the emergence of later ideas that were beneficial to society. Rupee's Romanticism later influenced the world. The whole point of this era was that it displayed enthusiastic emotion, emphasis, and excitement without the fear of other's opinion.In the middle of the eighteenth century, the word â€Å"Romantic† was used as an adjective to praise natural happenings like beautiful views and nature. Romanticism was known first by landscape paintings from as early as the sass British artists. Later in the 19th-20th century, many authors were inspired by Romanticism to write novels based on past literature in that period. Many literature writers such as Edgar Allan Poe and Nathaniel Hawthorne were inspired by this time period in which it lead them to write ro mantic literature.There were different types of literatures and influences that applied to these writers. A few examples of the Romanticism literature were Romantic and English literature. Many American writers were influenced by this movement and similarly, they also establish a high level of enthusiasm and emphasis in their writing. Soon, this era became popular not only in America, but in other places as well. Also, a new genre in America was developed which was called romance and this continuously influenced other American writers. The wars during the Romantic Era also influenced writing and art.These wars, The Seven Years' War, the French Revolution, and the Napoleonic Wars influenced literature that can be seen in the writing and art. â€Å"The strong feelings that wartime produced, served as a catalyst for an outpouring of art and literature, the likes of which had never been seen before† (Greenbelt) Also, during this time period, there was an increase in female writer and readers. A group of poets named William Wordsmith, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, John Keats, Percy Abysses Shelley, and William Blake were considered o be the important figures that started the romantic movement.The poem written by Samuel and William were often believed to be the start of the Romantic Era especially the poem called Lyrical Ballads that was printed in 1798. The poet, Thomas Chesterton is considered to be the first poet in English literature. Also, Lord Bryon and Walter Scott accomplished a huge amount of fame and influence throughout Europe, which I think how North America got influenced. â€Å"Surprising as it may seem to us, living after the Romantic Movement has transformed older ideas about iterate, in the Middle Ages authority was prized more highly than originality† (Spearing).As we can see, literatures in past eras make what modern literature is today now. In my opinion, this era is important because it helped developed more emotion into literature maki ng it a more interesting thing for the readers. It also helped bring new ideas about art and literature. Also, some books that are well known in the Romantic Era are Mob Dick, Uncle Tom's Cabin, and Frankincense. In conclusion, many literary eras showed characteristics from this event and it is continually developing ideas. Romanticism Eden Gayety Romanticism Poetry English H 10 Due to the outbreak of rationalism from the Scientific Revolution, people began focusing on optimism and humanism to make the world a better place in which they called the Enlightenment. Following this, The Romantic Movement is said to have began in the sass's and is known as an international artistic and philosophical movement that focused on the thought of oneself and the world. Its span also included the American Revolution (1776) and the French Revolution (1789) and is often called the â€Å"age of revolutions† continuing to the Industrial Revolution.Romanticism transforms the theory and practice of all art and the way we perceive the world; artists of the time glorified nature, idealized the past, and celebrated the divinity of all creation (Introduction to Romanticism). John Keats was one of many Romantic poets; his work is also some of many famous and cherished pieces of art. Keats was born in 1795 and the rest of his short li fe ending in 1821 was devoted to the perfection of poetry. He used immense imagery and philosophy throughout his poems.When Keats was a child, his father offered a terrible accident and died when he was only eight years old. This event shaped Keats' understanding of human conditions such as the idea of suffering and loss. After two poorly reviewed and criticized publications, Keats decided to change and envisioned a kind of poetry blooming its beauty from human experiences (biography. Com). One of his more sensuous works was â€Å"To Autumn† and â€Å"Ode to a Nightingale† which was his more different ode and individualized poem. To Autumn† explicates the season of autumn as a female goddess, her hair â€Å"soft- fifed† by the wind and â€Å"drowsed with the fume of poppies† while fruits ripen and late flowers bloom in the panicking weeks before winter begins. â€Å"Where are the songs of Spring? Ay, where are they? / Think not of them, thou hast t hy music too,† begins the last stanza. Keats uses these lines to tell Autumn not to wonder where the songs of spring have gone, but to listen to her own music. The poem continues with the ending of autumn as â€Å"small gnats mourn among the river sallow,† and â€Å"gathering swallows twitter in the skies.Keats uses this poem to show his ability of rhyme and vivid imagery by each stanza flowing so generously from line to line with a sense of emotion and visible scenery only few of many people can accomplish. â€Å"To Autumn† also pursues Romanticism because it accentuates the being of nature and the divinity of creation. â€Å"Ode to a Nightingale† opens with the declaration of heartache, feeling numb like he had drank hemlock or a dull opiate. He addresses a nightingale he acquaintances the rest of the poem.Within the eight stanzas consisting often lines each, Keats wows the progression of the speaker who begins with a careless attitude, â€Å"With bead ed bubbles winking at the brim, / And purple-stained mouth; / That I might drink, and leave the world unseen, / And with thee fade away into the forest dim:† then continuing to explain to the nightingale his desire to fade away, saying he would like to forget the troubles the nightingale has ever known. Keats writes in the third stanza â€Å"Where youth grows pale, and specter-thin, and dies;† that he refers to his brother who past away the previous winter from tuberculosis (Prentice Hall, 723).The peaked tells the nightingale to fly away and he will follow but not through alcohol in which Keats expresses he will follow â€Å"But on the viewless wings of Poesy,† meaning through poetry. In the sixth stanza, the speaker admits to the nightingale he has often been â€Å"half in love with useful Death† and carries on to believe the idea of dying seems richer than ever, longing to â€Å"cease upon the midnight with no pain† while the nightingale â€Å"p ouring forth thy soul abroad / In such ecstasy! The speaker states forlorn like a bell to toll him back to consciousness. As the nightingale flies way from him, the speaker mourns that his imagination failed him and cannot recall whether the bird's music â€Å"Was it a vision, or a waking dream? / Fled is that music: -Do I wake or sleep? † What differs from â€Å"Ode to a Nightingale† and Keats' other creations of odes are that its rhyme scheme is the same in every stanza, ABSCONDED.As well as in â€Å"To Autumn† Keats shows an immense ability to word his lines illustrating imagery and remaining loyal to his rhyme scheme. All of John Keats' works of literature are going to reflect the ideas of Romanticism because he is one of the many tests who created the philosophical ideas of Romanticism and what we define it as Romanticism was crucial to American culture because Romanticists such as Emily Dickinson and Edgar Allen Poe played a huge role in our literary histo ry.Germany was alongside Europe during their Romantic Movement with the famous Johann Wolfgang von Goethe who created the novel, The Sorrows of Young Wrester. Like all other eras in world history, it most likely becomes global and depending on where determines the type of people consisting of it and what they make of their work. Romanticism Franz Kafka, translated by Mark Herman Chicken; 328 pages; Franz Kava's name has been appropriated as our century's reigning adjective; ‘Kafkaesque† is a word for which no adequate synonym exists. From the absurd circuitry of managed care to our Deliberateness workplaces and the bizarre comic opera playing in Washington, the relevance of ‘The Castle,† Kava's Para able of bureaucracy gone mad, has never been lost on the modern reader.Until now, the accepted English version of ‘ ‘The Castle† has been the 1925 translation by Will and Edwin Mir, who believed Kava's unfinished novel was about the quest for an unavailable God, according to Mark Herman, translator of the present volume. Harm's new translation emphasizes modern and post- modern meanings; Herman believes the book is about meaning itself, about the multiple interpretations of documents and events, but his translation opens up a variety of readings. In ‘The Castle,† a man na med K. Arrives in a village where he has perhaps been summoned o work as a land surveyor.Its inhabitants seem to be expecting him and not to be expecting him, and there seems to be a Job and to be no Job. Presiding over the village is a castle, which sometimes can and cannot be reached by telephone, and from which officials, who sometimes can and cannot be spoken to, descend to the village. K. Struggles at first to make his way to the castle, but quickly sees that no roads lead there; he then tries to make a place for himself in the village, whose inhabitants alter neatly welcome, manipulate and reject him. Each scene in which he rise to locate himself is both ghastly and funny. K. s given a letter signed by someone named Claim, who may or may not have the authority to certify that he is employed, The letter seems to confirm and not confirm his employment and may have been delivered late or by accident by an unreliable messenger. The letter directs him to report too chairman, but th e chairman tells him, ‘ ‘You were, as you say, taken on as a surveyor but we don't need a surveyor †¦ The boundaries of our small holdings have been marked out, everything has been duly registered, the repertories themselves rarely change hands, and whatever small boundary disputes arise, we settle ourselves. K. Is also sent two assistants, referred to as his old assistants though they are unfamiliar to him and do nothing to assist. He is alternately offered lodgings and positions and dismissed from them by people who speak in riddles. K. Takes up with Fried, Salaam's previous mistress, but relations between them soon deteriorate into the same circuitous misunderstandings that characterize all K. ‘s dealings in the book. Every personal relationship is contaminated y the overall structure of mystery and despair.Kafka died of tuberculosis, leaving ‘The Castle† and two other novels unfinished. As Herman explains, his friend Max Brood defied Kava's ins tructions to burn his unfinished work. Kava's books were blacklisted by the Nazis as ‘ ‘harmful and undesirable writings† in the ‘ass. The present volume is translated from the 1982 German critical edition, which restores Kava's style and syntax. The Emirs eased Kava's dry, colloquial style and shaded his meanings to suggest a religious interpretation.In one long, painfully hilarious sequence about the rationale for officials interrogating people at night rather than in the daytime, the Emirs refer to those interrogated as ‘ ‘applicants,† a term that could indeed allude to petitioners before God. In the present version, however, Herman uses the word ‘parties,† suggesting legal proceedings, and indeed the scene, with clerks delivering mysterious files on carts while officials alternately scream for them and drop them, conjures up the courthouse from hell. Critics have also suggested that the book is a long meditation on anti-Semit ism, in that K. s a perpetual outsider or reasons no one can define. It is also simultaneously about class, another illogical hierarchy that K. Defers to and resists. But in our own time, it is hard to resist the book's implications for political and bureaucratic lunacy. Romanticism The emphasis of Romanticism is on the imagination and emotion and it started as reaction against the Industrial Revolution, which emphasized commercial production as well as a response to the disillusionment with the Enlightenment values of reason ND order caused by the ending of the French Revolution (1789). The Romanticism was a period in which certain ideas and attitudes arose; intellect became the dominant mode of expression. Expression was everything to the Romantics; art, music, poetry, drama, literature and philosophy (The History guide).The Romantics opted for a life of the heart and appreciated diversity in man and nature. Change – The Romantics were liberals and conservatives, revolutionaries and reactionaries. Some were preoccupied with God, others were atheistic to the core. The Romantics saw diversity and uniqueness – those traits created diversity between an and nations. The Romantics exclaimed, â€Å"Dare to be! † (The History guide). The old order politics and the economy seemed to be falling apart and raised the threat of moral disaster. There need to build and reshape new systems of discipline and order grew.The era was full of innovative ideas and new art forms. Zeitgeist – â€Å"Hedge's idea of the zeitgeist, the â€Å"spirit of the age,† the ghostly embodiment of the most important factors that are acting in human history at any given time, was frequently invoked as an idea conveying a vague sense of historical and natural inevitability to whatever the writer favored. Hedge's concept of the zeitgeist gave thinkers a carte blanches to imagine sweeping historical scenarios manifesting various historical inevitabilities and grand narratives† (rationalism. Com).The intellectual with ideas always faces problems. Questions of meaning, interpretation and an acceptance of a particular Zeitgeist, or climate of opinion or world view is serious but difficult stuff. Expression – Romantics believed in art that created strong emotions. It encouraged poetry to be freer in technique and effects (rationalism. Com), and finding inspiration in other forms of media and even using it reading their own. The idea of the genius is another thing we owe to Romanticism; it was the cornerstone of the aesthetic philosophy. Romanticism American Literature Romanticism Essay Irving and Romanticism What is Romanticism? Today, people would relate it with love and romance, however Romanticism is actually a style of literature that emphasizes imagination and emotion ins. It flourished in Europe and America throughout the 18th and 19th century and began a after the French Revolution in 1789. It was used by many authors and poets, such as Washings on Irving, Edgar Allan Poe, and William Sullen Bryant.Romanticism writers glorified nature, did legalized the past, and celebrated the divinity of creation and mystery. Washington Irving was a Romantic writer in the sass. He was the first American writ to achieve an international reputation. He was the youngest writer at this time, being published at the age of 16. Irving based most of his works on German folk tales and used satire in one of his most famous folk tales, â€Å"The Devil and Tom Walker. † In, â€Å"The Devil and Tom Walker,† Irving uses Romantic qualit ies such as, awareness of he past, nature, supernatural element, and mystery.He creates the setting at the be ginning of the story using nature and then uses awareness of the past to show what time the story I s taking place in. Then, he uses mystery by making the reader use their imagination as to where To m Walker's wife went and uses supernatural element with the devil. He creates the plot and the r details by using these Romanticism qualities. Irving writes about good versus evil or in this case, the Devil versus God. In this story,Tom Walker represents greed and teaches people to not be greedy. Irving makes the reader realize that people do anything they can to become rich and have money. In this case , Tom Walker sold his soul to the devil for money, but after he had what he wanted, he became me scared about what would happen to him in the afterlife. Many people throughout their lives do this as well, meaning that they do not care until it is too late. In conclusion, Irving wa s an outstanding writer and used Romanticism throughout his

Saturday, September 28, 2019

What You learned in this class Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

What You learned in this class - Assignment Example The grammar and referencing skills learnt in class remain fundamental in transforming my writing skills. The class was significant in enhancing my knowledge in MLA referencing and formatting style. MLA style gives the general guidelines for formatting academic papers and using English language in writing. MLA style enable writers to learn a system for referencing sources through thorough citation in their papers and inclusion of work cited pages. It was encouraging to learn the effective MLA formatting skills including the need for a cover page and inclusion of page numbers. In addition, formatting MLA papers entails good referencing of all information sources used. The use of MLA protects writers from accusation of plagiarism and demonstrates their liability to the source of material. Graduate students should use MLA style to reference their assignments. Understanding basic grammar mistakes, identification, and correcting them is essential in writing a good academic paper. A good academic paper remains void of grammar errors including spelling, punctuation, and use of tense. In addition, correct and good grammar is imperative in avoiding common mistakes and presenting understandable information. Fluency of an academic paper is indispensable in effective presentation of information to the reader. Besides, proper punctuation with appropriate use of commas and full stops is essential in excellent academic writing. Learning the aforementioned techniques of avoiding mistakes and writing appealing academic paper devoid of grammar mistakes was an imperious milestone in my career. Essentially, the class greatly perfected my writing skills. Business letter is a portrait of a company, thus it has to look distinctive and present the high-quality nature of the business. Business letters have a standard format and template. The most commonly used format is the block style with text in single space and double space between paragraphs. In

Friday, September 27, 2019

Write a play. RELIGION Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Write a play. RELIGION - Coursework Example This may be contrary to Jewish states which are run in accordance to Jewish law through special administrative courts. Individuals from Jewish background easily co-exist with others despite their conservative nature towards their beliefs. This shows why currently, the major secular Jewish defense agencies incorporate personnel capable and devoted to handling interfaith affairs. They create opportunities where members of other faith religions are allowed to discuss and dialogue. David: Health care providers focus on giving appropriate care to patients from different religious backgrounds. This calls for nurses to acquire as much knowledge as they can concern various religious beliefs and their cultural practices for the purposes of providing quality healthcare. Common "religions often encountered within health care domains are Baha’ism, Buddhism and Sikhism" (Puchalski and Romer, 2000). However, such religions share a number of similarities and differences. Diversity in religio ns and faith belief systems provides enough challenges within the health care sector. However, health care providers are endowed with "responsibility of showing acceptance of diversity of various belief expressions" (Puchalski and Romer, 2000). Hussein: According to Sikh religion, health and healing are directly related to spirituality since they believe in the intricate relationship between body, spirit and mind. Within the same line of belief, body is believed to serve the purpose of housing the spirit, which ultimately connects people with God. Sikh religion majorly believes in meditation, which forms an integral part of daily livelihood from family and on an individual level (Puchalski and Romer, 2000). Husein: Sikh contains prayers meant specifically for one's healing and peace, which are provided in form of hymns. Prayer is believed to have powers necessary for acquiring courage, hope, acceptance and understanding of deep meaning of illness. According to the religion, God carr ies out his will on sicknesses either through prayer or traditional medicine. Some believers prefer to accept God’s will rather than follow medical prescriptions from physicians. They are at liberty to combine Western medicine with traditional herbs as well as other available therapies. There are extensive teachings on destructive nature of illicit drugs, which according to Sikh, should be avoided by all means since they are believed to interfere with body functions, hence detrimental in the process of pursuing godly life. The religion partly allows issues on birth control since it is viewed as a form of disruption to natural cycle of life from different perspectives. (Puchalski and Romer, 2000). David: A meditation on the scriptures and prayer are considered to be of profound importance, which is done with the assistance of family members. Concepts of prayer and meditation can be performed in an active form by patients or they may be passive in form of hymns (Puchalski and R omer, 2000). All practices surrounding health care should give much attention to the holistic healing of the mind, body and spirit. Spiritual healing helps the process of identifying and appreciating the importance of an empowered life based on true self-worth. Healing experiences assists individuals in living lives that are limitless. Healing in the spirit as mentioned by most religions, demands leaving the concerns of the physical body and embracing the supernatural light. Husein: However, most of these experiences are extensively dealt with in the physical body. It is an important aspect for individuals to long for a recovery from a spiritual perspective. This assists medics in identifying the fact that malfunctioning body organs can be well rectified from the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Should capital punishment be suspended because of the chance of Research Paper

Should capital punishment be suspended because of the chance of executing an innocent person - Research Paper Example Abolition is becoming the norm and those who advocate for the death penalty face important challenges in the 21st century. For example, the United Nations and the European Union (EU) recently debated the legitimacy of the death penalty and world opinion is moving towards its abolition. The European Union, through its Charter of Fundamental Rights, has led the way and successfully banned the death penalty in all of its member states. Thus, if a country wishes to become a member of the EU and has the death penalty as a punishment on the books, that will need be overruled for the death penalty to become a member. This is just an example of how the tide is turning against advocates of the death penalty in the 21st century. Seeking to explore capital punishment and ask whether or not it is a good thing, the following will explore the deterrence argument for the death penalty and persuasively argue that the death penalty is not a good thing and should be banned. Furthermore, this paper wil l argue that lethal injection runs contrary to the prohibition against â€Å"cruel and unusual punishment† and because the consequences of the death penalty are irreversible, it should be abolished worldwide (The Death Penalty Information Centre 2009; Hood 3). From an ethical standpoint, advocates of the death penalty argue that the death penalty serves to deter criminals and thus is effective in preventing crime. According to the well-respect British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), the consensus among researchers in the field is that the deterrent aspect of the death penalty has yet to be proven. Furthermore, a survey on the subject was undertaken by the United Nations (UN) in an attempt to look at the relationship between the death penalty and homicide rates. According to this published analysis, the United Nations concluded that â€Å"research has failed to

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Impact of Social Web on Society Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Impact of Social Web on Society - Research Paper Example Te people using social websites are able to distribute/share private information, such as blog entries, photographs, and videos. There is an example of a social website that is MySpace. This social website is very famous equally with music groups and individuals, who want to share information about their tour dates, and distribute their songs on their profile pages (Bowles, 2010; Turban, Leidner, McLean, & Wetherbe, 2005; Kulshreshtha, Kumar, & Sehgal, 2011). In addition, one of the most important advantages of social websites is that they are very supportive and useful method to stay in touch with many people (friends, relatives, colleagues etc.). In this scenario, if an individual has interesting news which he/she desires to share with other people (friends, relatives or community), with social web it turns out to be very simple since he/she can add/enter it on his/her personal bulletin board and it will be distributed or transferred to the people to whom he desires to share. In this way, the social networking sites play a major role in meeting with new people, whatever the purpose of it (a business deal or friendship) (Parrack, 2012; Dubai School of Government, 2011; Schultz, Schwepker, & Jr, 2012).

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Example of science being used in my World Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Example of science being used in my World - Essay Example st who had won Tour De France seven times at a stretch was disqualified from the victories because he was accused of doping charges by the Anti-doping Agency of the United States. Thus the discoveries in the areas of science and medicine can accentuate the performance of human beings which otherwise could not have been done. However men often forget their limitations and exploit medicine and science in a negative way as in case of doping. Excessive use of these prohibitive drugs can have adverse effects on the health of the sports persons. Kids who want to be strong are also provoked by these drugs and harm themselves The government has to take care of the issue by arresting the production and sale of these drugs. License should be imposed on retailers and online retailing of these drugs should also be controlled. The society as a whole should take responsibility to control this criminal offense and live life in the most natural way

Monday, September 23, 2019

Economics of electronics commerce Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Economics of electronics commerce - Essay Example Traditional cost accounting is structure-oriented whereas ABC is process-oriented (Emblemsvag, 2006). 2a. Operating leverage is the highest in e-commerce companies. E-commerce companies have very low variable costs but high initial up-front development cost. For example, initially had a fixed up-front development cost of over $60 million but no per transaction cost (Economics of Electronics Commerce, n.d.). Operating leverage is the lowest in merchandizing companies. Such companies mainly engage in the buying and selling of goods. Their fixed costs include mainly storage and selling costs. A higher proportion of their costs is variable costs such as packaging of goods and transportation costs. In between, service companies have a higher proportion of fixed costs and hence higher operating leverage than manufacturing companies. Service companies, such as hair salons, incur a fixed amount of rent, staff salary, and facility and equipment cost regardless of whether there are any customers. Variable costs, such as shampoo, are a very low proportion. Manufacturing companies ha ve a lower operating leverage than service companies and e-commerce companies but higher operating leverage than merchandizing companies. Their fixed costs include land, equipment, machinery, plants, and facilities.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Social Enterprise and Future Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Social Enterprise and Future - Essay Example The success of a business idea is the ability to own it through the patent. The patenting of business ideas ensures that the idea is by the organization, and any of its use will lead to monetary value. The major challenge with patents is the process involved in obtaining the patents. The patents are to be used to protect intellectual property such as software. Changes in design and technology must be evaluated on the basis of success that they can bring to the society while the originators must be able to obtain a reward from the advancement. The commercialization process involves several steps that must be addressed in order to achieve success. These steps include; invention disclosure and assessment disclosure. Upon receiving the invention, the review offers insight on whether the protection of intellectual property is necessary. The major challenge has been the rights of the initiators who may be employees of the company.In order to succeed, the company must have a reward system t hat recognizes the role of the employees in innovation. It is vital for the employees to own the innovation which will, in turn, encourage creativity within the organization. Individuals should be allowed to apply for patents for their innovations because they own it and it should not be taken away from them. However, the current situation does not encourage individuals to apply for intellectual property ownership leading to the development of several issues including fear and loss of wealth generation opportunities.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Short Stories in the Gothic Horror Tradition Essay Example for Free

Short Stories in the Gothic Horror Tradition Essay The genre of short stories in the nineteenth century began to attract a wider audience all over the world. A very important factor in the growing popularity of short stories was the vast interest in magazines and journals. The market in short stories was also expanding due to the easy money available to young writers. Through the nineteenth century there was significant improvement in the printing technology which gave more variety to magazines. The nineteenth century was a time without television or radios, which meant that reading out loud was a good form of entertainment. Gothic horror is a story, which usually contains murders and torture in many forms such as supernatural, mental or physical. A supernatural example would be like the film Chukkie, that is where two dolls roam around Los Angeles killing people. Much gothic horror came in the nineteenth century written by Bram Stoker, one of his most famous novels was Dracula. Gothic horror is also a form of statues, which represent a more terrifying look in a very distinctive style.  I will be comparing two stories The Kit-Bag and The Judges House.  The author of the horrifying tale of The Judges House was the magnificent Bram Stoker and the author of The Kit-Bag was Algeron Blackwood. The Judges House is about a student, Malcolm Malcomson, wanting to get away from the pressures of every day life. While Malcolm was wandering about looking for accommodation, he finds this peculiar looking house with the cleaner working inside. After renting the strange house he got down to studying. When Malcomson had been there for a couple of days, he spotted a huge rat in the corner of the room as he was looking at some strange paintings. The next day he asked Mrs Witham, the cleaner, to dust the huge paintings on the wall as dust and grime obscured them. Malcomson gets back from another hard day of studying and discovers the picture behind the grime. It is a judge sitting in a huge chair, with a weird looking rope behind him. Later that night a huge rat with baleful eyes enters the room and sits on the huge chair with a rope behind it. Malcomson thought this was familiar. He looked at the painting and realised that it was the judges chair and that he was standing in the room the judge was sat in. He also noticed the judge was no longer in the painting. Malcomson slowly turned round and there on the great high-backed carved oak chair was the judge wearing his robes of scarlet and ermine, with his baleful eyes glaring vindictively. The judge then stood right up and pulled down the rope from the alarm bell and walked past Malcomson as if tempting him to do something. Mrs Witham and village people broke into the judges house and at the end of the rope of the great alarm bell hung the body of the young student, Malcomson, and on the face of the judge in the painting was a malignant smile. The Kit-Bag is about a man called Johnson who has just dealt with a major murder inquiry.  Johnson, a young man of about twenty-six, had a delicate face like a girls. As he was leaving the office, after hard days worked, he turned and said to his employer I knew there was something to ask you, would you mind if I could use one of your kit-bags? His boss replied Of course, Ill send Harry over with it Once Johnson had the Kit-Bag, he packed it straight away as he was going on holiday the very next day. While he was packing, he heard loud footsteps on the stairs below him. He thought it must be Mrs. Monk with his post, but the footsteps ceased. Ten minutes passed and the footsteps were getting louder and closer. Johnson decided to check what was going on. While he was there, he saw a strange figure dash into his room. Johnson could not believe what had just happened. When he was walking back into his room, the Kit-Bag made a sudden move for the door and John Turk, the murderer appeared. Johnsons heart was pounding. John Turk was looking at Johnson as if wanted something from him .He said, Its my bag and I want it now. Johnson then collapsed and lay unconscious for a long time. After he had woken up, Mrs. Monk came into his room. She told him that someone was down stairs and needed to see him before he left. It was Henry with a nice clean Kit-Bag. He told Johnson that he gave him the wrong Kit-Bag. Henry had given him the bag from the murder scene and he told him the news that John Turk had killed himself last night in his cell at ten oclock. Bram Stokers writing involves a lot of Gothicism. He wrote many novels and short stories and amongst them The Judges House.  Already two paragraphs into the story Bram Stoker is doing what he does best, being gothic, it says it was an old rambling, heavy built house of the Jacobean style, with heavy gables and windows, unusually small, and over higher than was customary in such houses, and was surrounded with a high brick wall massively built, so already we can imagine that there is this huge eighteenth century house that hasnt been touched for decades and is suitable for some strange goings on.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Photography Representation of Reality

Photography Representation of Reality Introduction:- When we look into a photograph; we often tend to forget that this is not an image taken by a camera rather its a moment of a living being captured rather trapped forever. In china its a belief that photographs trap soul of a person; maybe its a myth or maybe its true also. Isnt it true that its stealing the very essence of your life for that particular fraction of time? A photographer or a painter tries to tell the entire story of life, happiness, misery, joy, patience, grace and all the possible human emotions encapsulated in one frame. This is the masterpiece which he tries to recreate his entire life. Photography emerged from Europe in early 19th century when concepts of positivist science came into focus. Positivism believes that the empirical truths can be established by visual evidence only. Empirical truths are facts that can be established through experimentation by recreating the circumstances for identical outcomes. In context of positivism the camera was taken to be a scientific tool for registering reality. Positivist theory believed that a photograph is not subjective to the psychology of the photographer but is subjective to the viewer who interprets the photo. Most of the time we see an image and we always co-relate it with ourselves , how it is connected to us what is the relation it has got with our lives; these are the general questions which comes in our mind while interoperating any image shown on newspaper, magazine or Television. Every image tries to tell some story behind it and it is mainly depends on person to person how they interpret it , because it could carry different meanings to the different people what kind of aesthetic values and taste they have got, what cultural, educational background they hold to understand its meaning and effects. â€Å" Photography transformed subject into object , and even one might say , into a museum object: in order to take the first portrait (around 1840) the subject had to assume long poses under a glass roof in bright sunlight ; to become an object made one suffer as much as a surgical operation ; then a device was invented , a kind of prosthesis invisible to the lens , which supported and maintained the body in its passage to immobility: this headrest was the pedestal of the statue i would become, the corset of my imaginary essence.† Roland Barthes (1982), Camera Lucida: Reflection on Photography: (Fontana Paperbacks).p.13 As said by Roland Barthes a French theorist; photography makes subject into an object and photographer always plays with his surgical devices like selection, framing and personalization to make it more attractive. It can be done through lots of technical knowledge and techniques. In this commercial world of advertisements, movies and magazines everything is sold by selling emotions shown in the images. The photographer has to perform as an art director who tries to sell the emotions through his graphical effects on masses. That is why success of famous brands and popularity of magazines and newspapers is mainly dependant on powerful images .The image values count on its being unique, powerful, strange, shocking, adventures, different, rare. According to Roland there are two levels of meaning of an image; a denotative and a connotative meaning of an image. An image can denote certain apparent truths. Denotative meaning means literal, descriptive meaning. However the same image can connote culturally specific meaning. Connotative meaning depends on cultural and historical context of the image which the viewers themselves have experienced. In other words its the viewers own interpretation of image based on their own experiences and beliefs in the cultural environment the viewer is living. Hence an image which is just a representation of reality actually invokes facts which are deeper than visible. â€Å"In Barthes model , in addition to the two levels of meaning of denotation and connotation , that is the sign , which is composed of the signifier and signified , which is the concept evoked by that word/image . in the Benetton ad, one interpretation could be that the burning car is the signifier and terrorism is the signified .The image (or word) and its meaning together (the signifier and signified together form the sign. Image/ sound word Signifier Meaning Signified = Sign†- Marita Sturken and Lisa Cartwright(2001), Practices of looking: An Introduction to Visual culture(Oxford: Oxford University Press), P.19 So every image has got one signifier and its meaning which we interpret is a signified which is equal to sign that means every image make us think what is the hidden meaning behind it, and most of the time photographer try to give that sign in that image or text which we see in newspapers, magazines or in television commercials. In still photography photographer try to give these effects by showing certain degree of subjectivity and objectivity it directly hits the conscious mind and also try to hit the sub-conscious mind of the interpreter. In most of the advertisement emphasis is given on masculinity and genders like Marlboro ads they always feature a cowboy going on a horse they both are signifier of power and masculinity, where a cowboy is shown on top of hill taking drags of cigarette on top of hill, Most of the under wear ads man is shown as powerful by showing features of his body and masculinity it creates a kind of attraction, but in real world who wears underwear is not alw ays as powerful as shown in these ads. People always try to co-relate themselves with these models. In female accessories advertisements model is always beautiful looking full of life wearing a good dress and using some products where they show she has become more beautiful after wearing certain product this image always leads to the kind of desire to look more beautiful. Photographer is always paid to create these kinds of powerful images to lure target audience. Still photography can create shock, adventure, fascination, disgust, anger, confusion. The photograph taken by weegee in 1940s image of a school children who see a murder in the street captured a fascination in that childs eyes which fascinates the interpreter in a same way the child is fascinated by that scene. Still photography of nude woman or a man is always a simple object of sex; there is no subjectivity involved. It does not give anything myth it is never shocking or adventurous it is just taken to create desire to have sex. Barthess concepts are particularly applicable on examining the photographic truth; however its not very much applicable on film images and television news images. As in those cases it is the music and the sequence of frames which decides the meaning rather than a particular frame. Ideology plays a very important role in how an image is perceived by a viewer. Ideologies are system of beliefs that exists in all culture. It is a broad, shared sets of values and beliefs through which an individual lives in sets on complex social relationships. An ideology gives the viewer the perception to view image of a partially filled glass as ‘half filled or ‘half empty. Ideology goes hand in hand with Barthes concept to denote the meaning of an image. Ideologies plays major role in interpretation of images it is different for different cultures based on their beliefs and values the way they live their life in particular society. One particular image can be adopted by one society or ideology but it could be taboo for another group of people. Like a picture of a pig on school books or images is very normal for one group of society but it could be understood as a taboo in Muslim Ideologies. In this case I can say perspective of the people differs from one society or ideology to another and this is a major fact how it is going to control the success of that image. Beliefs and set of rules is the major factor in interpretation of images and videos. â€Å"Photography is a kind primitive theatre, a kind of Tableau Vivant, a figuration of the motionless and made up face beneath which we see dead†- Roland Barthes (1982), Camera Lucida: Reflection on Photography: (Fontana Paperbacks).p.32 In old time people used to play the characters of the plays where they used to show their emotions by showing different expressions and the objective was to create drama in front of the public to bring out those emotions which was the requirement of the play but inside their make-ups and dresses they are not the same people which they portray in theatre .so as said by barthes Photography is also kind of theatre where people poses and try to imitate themselves by showing best out of them the full smiling faces if it is a photograph of a family everybody will stand closer to each other holding hands hugging and kissing so in photographs people try to show what meaning in should convey to the viewer it does not matter how much do they love each other or hate each other in reality. â€Å"Charles Pierce worked with a somewhat different model in which the signifier ( Word/ Image ) is distinguished not only from the signified (meaning) but also from the referent , or the object itself . In addition pierce defined categories of signs based on different kinds of relationship between signifiers and signified, for instance pierce made a distinction between indexical, iconic, and symbolic signs.† Marita Sturken and Lisa Cartwright(2001), Practices of looking: An Introduction to Visual culture(Oxford: Oxford University Press), P.20 Iconic and symbolic signs always plays a major role in Image world , For an example picture of mother and child always gives the straight meaning of motherhood , love and affection it is universal it is understood in all the languages and by all the people. Picture of famous actress Marilyn Monroe is an iconic symbol of sex and beauty since long time her iconic image hasnt changed. In every picture the reality and representation is not necessarily same some pictures the way they are taken and how a photographer represents it in the front of viewers is entirely dependent on his skills how he is going to personalize the particular event and by doing selection and framing how it looks like; Here comes the manipulation part every picture is not presented just as an object to create subjectivity he has to understand the right angle positions and framing. This thing is very common in commercial world of advertisements and movie making, director always target some audience and he raises certain issues to think what impact it will give after adding sound and visual effects and graphical effects. In silent movies everything is expressed by showing emotions and body gesture of the characters. In Advertisement of Benetton where a black lady is nursing a white baby gives direct impact of racism where in connotes lots of meaning to different group of people and every time t his picture says different stories some people might interpret it is based on unity, slavery or other general issues. In Advertisement of Hdfc bank they portray image of different people from different countries that means they are not catering one part of the world they are ready to serve people from different parts, cultural background and societies here comes the personalization. Every frame, color coding and background contributes to its meaning to different people. Manipulation of Images is very common now days so we cannot say that it is a piece of evidence , techniques are used to show the different things in different way emphasis is given how to create it more powerful the maximum impact on masses. The value of image is mainly its authenticity, true emotions, and hidden meanings. In television and news papers its value is how fast an issue has been covered and the channels those show the latest news or current events before any other channel becomes authentic news channel; so success of every news, advertisement or movie is based on its authenticity how it impresses viewers and how real it looks. Summary: To interpret images we need to examine the visual language the image is speaking. The image contains layers of truth and it relies in the viewers capacity to decode the language its trying to ‘speak. Reading and interpreting images is one way that we as viewers contribute by assign our culture to the interpreted meaning. Hence an image is a composite of subjective and objective meanings as said by Marita Sturken References: Marita Sturken and Lisa Cartwright(2001), Practices of looking: An Introduction to Visual culture(Oxford: Oxford University Press), P.20 Roland Barthes (1982), Camera Lucida: Reflection on Photography: (Fontana Paperbacks).p.32

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Physician assisted suicide :: essays research papers

The Effects of Assisted Suicide Legalization   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  While slowly experiencing an eventual death, the pain of a life-threatening disease is unbearable. The constant anguish of a helpless cancer patient, Richard, is driving away all sanity. As he lies there on the hospital bed near his family, Richard finally makes a grave decision. He decides to call upon a physician to end his pain. The doctor would give him medication which would lead to an inevitable death. As he knows he is going to die within a few weeks anyway, Richard questions the doctor about the medication. â€Å"Just give me the word, and I will hand it over to you,† the doctor says. â€Å"Let me add, however, that even though it may be an option, do you think it is morally right?† The doctor is obviously an honest, noble man who gives all of his patients his sincere opinion. That, in most cases, is not common in a doctor’s character. Richard is left with those words from the doctor and given time to talk about the situation with his family. After a long discussion, they realize that life is a privilege and should not be taken by choice, no matter how intense the pain is. Weeks later, at Richard’s funeral, the family feels proud of him for enduring the agonizing experience and to die naturally. The choice of physician assisted suicide may be an irrelevant issue to some, but when it comes to terminally ill patients, it is definitely an observable option. These people must realize that taking a life, whether someone else’s or their own, is dishonorable. Assisted suicide should be against the law in all states because it would have an affect on medical procedures, persuade doctors to make the wrong decisions, and change the morality of people around the country.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The people of this country are partially represented by the United States Supreme Court. In fact, the United States Supreme Court is going to become the final judge of this important issue because two United States Court of Appeals decisions have recently ruled laws forbidding physician-assisted suicide unconstitutional (Court 1). There is no doubt that the effect of the speculations by the highest court in this country on physician-assisted suicide will be as important as anyone has witnessed in a long while. Physician-assisted suicide is one of the most controversial medical issues there is. Although a recent poll shows that 64 to 73 percent of Americans believe doctors should be admitted to end the lives of terminally ill patients under their permission, Americans may not realize what could actually happen if

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

William Blakes The Chimney Sweep and Songs of Innocence and Experience

William Blake's The Chimney Sweep and Songs of Innocence and Experience In this essay I will attempt to analyse, compare and contrast the poems 'The Chimney Sweep' from both 'Songs of Experience' and 'Songs of Innocence' which were both written by 'William Blake' in 1790-92 and 1789 respectively. These two poems were amalgamated in 1794 to create a new collection called 'Songs of Innocence and Experience'. I will be looking at what Blake says and hints at concerning the 'two contrary states of the human soul' in the two poems as well as looking at the message Blake is trying to convey to the reader. As the poems are written regarding the same subject, that is a chimney sweep, I will be looking at how they differ in their representations of chimney sweeps as well as looking at whether Blake's attitude towards them and how they are treated varies or remains constant. I will also look at the many issues the poems raise and I will go beyond the obvious one of child labour and the implications this had on society at the time. Moving away from the issues that are raised by the two poems I will also look at the literacy techniques Blake uses in both poems and how they vary from poem to poem. Blake uses a considerable amount of imagery in both poems and I will comment upon how he uses it to effect. In the late 18th century, the world was changing fast and developing rapidly. The British Empire was at its all time peak in terms of size and domination; Britain was also leading the Industrial Revolution and consequently because of this and its huge empire exports and in particular imports to Britain of precious minerals and materials from their many colonies, was very high, which had the effect of allowing t... ...ect on them at an early age. Or if the belief is held that the child is a miniature adult and so should be treated as such with out any special considerations. Heaven was seen as a reward for suffering hell on earth and this belief was perhaps used and encouraged to exploit the naÃÆ'Â ¯ve working classes, who out of fear of retribution would not question this idea as religion was a means of controlling the masses. Blake uses a range of techniques, such as imagery, to convey and express these states, I found his description of the boy in Experience as 'A little black thing among the snow', particularly poignant reflecting the futility and cheapness of the lives of working class children. Blake wanted to highlight the plight of child labour and encourage people to recognise the inequalities of social class, imagery such as this undoubtedly achieves this.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Tomatis Method Essay -- Health Medical Essays

The Tomatis Method Dr. Alfred A. Tomatis is a French ear, nose, and throat doctor who made astonishing medical and psychological discoveries that led to audio-psycho-phonology, or the Tomatis method. Also called â€Å"auditory training†, auditory stimulation†, and â€Å"listening therapy†, the purpose of this treatment is to reeducate the way we listen, and it is used in over two hundred and fifty centers around the world. ( The Tomatis method claims to benefit a wide variety of people. People suffering from auditory processing problems, dyslexia, attention deficit disorder, autism, and learning disorders can improve their communication and social behavior by auditory stimulation, which can eliminate or reduce the severity of the disorder. This is based on the belief that the symptoms of these disorders are not caused by the disorder itself, but by a sensory regulation problem that begins in our most primordial sensory instrument, the inner ear. ( In addition, those suffering from depression, low self-esteem, or just wanting to learn a new language or fine tune their musical talent can also benefit from this unique treatment. Attention, focus, learning, and language abilities can all be improved by retraining the ear to listen using â€Å"charging high-frequency sounds†. ( BACKGROUND: THE EAR The ear has three basic functions. The first is the most obvious, the filtration and analysis of sound by a part of the ear called the cochlea. This function consists of two parts: hearing and listening. Hearing is a passive process and we have limited abilities to improve it. Listening, ho... ...vailable one can conclude that it lacks the concrete evidence needed to become a standard treatment. Bibliography Anonymous. (1994). Auditory Integration Training. ASHA, 36, 55-58. Cummings, Richard Lloyd. (1986). An Evaluation of the Tomatis Listening Training Program. Dissertation Abstracts International, 47, 858-859. Kershner, John R. (1990). Journal of the Division for Children with Learning Disabilities. Learning Disabilities Quarterly, 13, 43-53. Kershner, John R. (1986). Evaluation of the Tomatis Listening Program. Canadian Journal of Special Education, 2, 1-32. Tomatis, Alfred. (1969). Dyslexia. Ontario: University of Ottawa Press, 83. Van-Jaarsveld, Pieter E; du-Plessis, Wynand F. (1988). Audio-psycho-phonology at Potchefstroom: A review. South African Journal of Psychology, 18, 136-143.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Wild at Home

Persuasive Speech Outline Topic: Exotic animals do not make good pets Specific Purpose: To convince the audience that even though the baby versions of wild animals are cute, they don't stay that way forever. Therefore wild animals should not be pets. Central Idea: Wild animals should not be kept as pets, because it is bad for us as owners, bad for the animals themselves and even bad for the environment. Introduction Attention Getter: Picture this, you are hiking in the woods and come across a baby bear. There is no sign of it mother and it looks hungry, what would you do?According to the center for veterinary health sciences: the emotional appeal baby animals have on humans will allow you to look past the dangers of the animal and take care of it, possibly even taking it home with you. But when you think about it, would taking home a wild animal be such a good? Topic Introduction: Today I will try to convince you that even though the baby versions of wild animals are cute, they don't stay that way forever. Animals including: Lions, Tigers, Wolves, Bears, Reptiles and non-human primates do indeed grow up, and can possibly become dangerous, therefore should not be kept as pets.Relate the topic to your audience: I'm sure at one moment in your life, you have all wanted a wild animal as a pet. Relate the topic to you as a speaker: I know I did. When I was younger I wanted a baby panda. But, while doing my research for this speech I realize what a bad idea that would have been. If don't believe me, by the end of this speech I will have hopefully convinced you that: Preview your main points: wild animals should not be kept as a pets, by first discussing why it is bad for the animals.Then why it is bad for the owner, and finally why it is bad to the environment in general. Transition Statement: Even though keeping wild animals as pets can be appealing, it is important to remember that keeping a wild animal as a pet is associated with many potential problems, not to men tion legal and ethical issues. Also keeping wild animals as pets requires a great deal of research and preparation, as well as provision of ideal housing and diet as well as medical care (which may be very difficult to find).And if you cannot provide these necessities for the animal it can put the animal in danger. Which brings me to my first main point. Body I. Keeping a wild animal as a pet can be dangerous for the animal a. Most people can't provide the right home for Wild animals i. Wild animals have complex behavioral, social, nutritional and psychological needs. Most people simply cannot meet the needs of wild animals kept as â€Å"pets†. – For Example: Many monkeys, birds, and wild cats, can all travel several miles in a single day. A walk on a leash through the park won't cut it.Transition Statement: Exotic animals, by definition are not domesticated as well as unpredictable. Their behavior may change with seasons or life cycles in ways we don't understand. The y also rarely bond with their owners. Pet primates, big cats, and reptiles have attacked and seriously injured their owners. Which brings me to my next point, of why wild animals are also dangerous to their owners. II. Keeping a wild animal as a pet can also be dangerous to the owner a. You could get hurt. i. Keeping wild animals as pets can be dangerous.They can bite, scratch, attack their owners, and their owner's children and guests. ii. According to livesceince. com there has been 1,610 incidents involving exotic pets and 75 deaths from 1990-2011. iii. Examples from thedailygreen. com: * In 2000 a three year old boy had his arm bitten off by his uncle's â€Å"pet† tiger. b . You could get sick. i. As a dealer of exotic animals put it† If it walks, crawls, slithers, or flies, chances are we sell it here† This is also true with their diseases. ii. Wild animals carry diseases dangerous to humans.Some diseases are not curable and can be fatal. Diseases include rab ies, distemper, herpes viruses, salmonella, polio, tuberculosis, Rocky Mountain spotted fever and bubonic plague. Wild animals also harbor parasites, such as tape worms, flukes, and protozoa. iii. According to The U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service: 90% of all reptiles carry and shed salmonella in their feces or some form of intestinal bacteria that can be transferred to their owners. Transition Statement: Now that you know some of the negative effects on the animal and the owner.I find it is also important to know how owning a wild animal is also dangerous to the environment. III. Having wild animals as pets also have a negative effect on the environment. a. Taking them from the wild can endanger the species. I. According to livehonestly. com: To meet the demands of those who keep exotic animals as pets, dealers often have to take the animals from their native lands. This disrupts the ecosystems from which they are stolen, and can disrupt the ecosystems to which they are taken if they escape or are set loose.II. According to the Association of Zoo and Aquariums: Parrots are the world's most endangered family of birds due to devastation from the international pet trade. The enormous global demand for exotic pets is fueling the illegal capture and trade of millions of birds, mammals and reptiles annually, most of which die while being captured or transported. Transition Statement: On the PETA website, veterinarian and animal behaviorist says that â€Å"people who breed these animals and sell them as pets are playing Russian roulette. † ConclusionLink the conclusion to the introduction: Although wild animals, especially babies, appeal to our human emotions because they are so â€Å"cute†, as adults they can be very destructive and even dangerous to have around. Review the main points and reemphasize your central idea: without proper training you can cause harm to the animals as well as yourself and the environment. Specify desired audience response: i f dogs or cats aren't your thing there are plenty cool and unique animals that you could have as a pet. Memorable concluding statement: The main thing is to leave the wild animals to the professionals.But, if you feel the need to be surrounded by exotic animals there's always the zoo, and it is so much safer that way. Works Cited Owning wild animals statistics. (2011). Retrieved from www. livescience. com The dangers of keeping wild animals. (2013). Retrieved from www. livehonestly. com Wild animal attacks. (2000). Retrieved from www. dailygreen. com Wild animal pets. (2012). Retrieved from www. aspca. org Wild at home. (2013). Retrieved from www. nationalgeographic. com Exotic pets. (2012). Retrieved from www. peta. org

Alladin Essay

I enjoy going to the movies. My experience with movies began when my mom and dad first took me to watch â€Å"Alladin†(1992) a Disney feature film. I remember the long line of kids with their parents queuing up for popcorn and soda right before entering the darkened theater. If there was one word to describe how I felt and must have looked while watching what seemed to me giant cartoon characters dancing and singing on the big screen, I am guessing it would be â€Å"spellbound†. Nowadays, my affinity with the movies remains. To me there’s nothing better than settling down with popcorn, a soda, and perhaps a slice of pizza and maybe some candy while waiting for the movie to start. For anywhere between $7. 00-$9. 50, I can spend about a couple of hours eating while losing myself in the story that I have stood in line for to watch. There’s nothing else for me to do but sit back, relax and enjoy the program†¦Or at least that’s what’s supposed to happen. Like most â€Å"adult† relationships, my relationship with the movies has come to be of a â€Å"love/hate† nature. While I still enjoy the films, often I find my reverie and trip to â€Å"a state of mental suspension† interrupted by the most unbelievable and dismaying things. For example, comedies are a favorite of mine. Whether through slapstick or the more sophisticated and witty comedies, I enjoy a good joke as much as the next person does. Unfortunately, when that â€Å"next person’s† version of a laugh is loud and unrestrained and mixed with comments of â€Å"Boy I sure didn’t see that coming! that persists even after the funny part is through, it can rather put a crimp on my personal enjoyment. Date movies aren’t much better either. It can get rather difficult to distinguish whether the sounds I’m hearing are coming from the film or from the row behind me. I’ve noticed that in particularly mushy scenes, it is not unusual to hear sotto voce whispers of sweet nothings among the courting couples and giggling among the teenaged girls in the audience every time the lead characters would kiss . It can also be rather irritating when, in the middle of a rather climactic scene, some person’ s mobile phone would just go off ringing. Only three things can possibly happen then. One, the ringing is suddenly silenced by the apologetic offender hitting either the â€Å"reject† or â€Å"off† button. Two, ringing phone will be answered and â€Å"I’ll call you back† will be quickly whispered. Three, offender will let the phone play out the whole of his ring tone too mortified to admit ownership of the ringing phone and practically ruining two minutes o or more of the film for the rest of the audience. Of course I haven’t even mentioned this very select group of people who just can’t not take the call †¦ It can be unbelievable how important some people seem to think they are that they forget that they are intruding on the rights of others. And then there are also these people who seem to think that it is their sworn duty and obligation to provide a running commentary of the film’s story. For some reason, some people who have seen the film before and have gone to watch the movie again with friends feel obligated to assure their companions â€Å"Don’t worry. The bomb won’t explode. Just you wait and so-and-so hero will arrive in just a few seconds. † After which they proceed to detail how the hero or heroine will save the day. It can get rather tempting to just turn around and admonish them for this. If it’s not the plot spoilers, there are people who just can’t keep their emotions to themselves. I remember one time when I was sitting watching the film â€Å"Constantine† (2005) and heard several screams of the word â€Å"Run† or â€Å"Hide! in about five different languages from the audience. If I ever needed proof of how culturally diverse America has become, well there it was. Don’t get me wrong though. Despite all these, my enjoyment of the silver screen remains. While I admit that there were a few times when I â€Å"cheated† and just opted for a quiet night at home with some select DVD’s and some snacks on my sofa, I still go back to the movie theater. I suppose it can be viewed as a quirk of mine but I do miss the battle of wills I get into with my next-seat neighbor on who claims â€Å"rights† to the armrest separating our seats. I miss the â€Å"stand off† that takes place between myself and the guy behind me after I ask him to please take his foot off my seat back. All these things do not diminish my excitement of seeing the anticipation and enjoyment shared on the audience’s faces including my own as the movie starts its magic with the flashing of its beginning credits. Most of all, I look forward to the many and various reactions among the audience as the final credits roll on the screen and the house lights come on. It’s sad that some people can’t seem to fully appreciate the movie-going experience and treat it along with its audience with the respect they deserve. For me, despite the not so nice experiences in the movie house, the magic and excitement of going to the movies still exist. Our relationship endures and remains strong.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Every Day Science for Css

PMS/CSS Everyday Science Compiled by: Engr. Syed Muhammad Umer www. css. theazkp. com [email  protected] theazkp. com Ph: +923336042057 It’s just an effort to merge all relevant data of Everyday Science in a single document, which will be used in the preparation of Competitive Examinations like PMS/CSS and other such exams. The primarily source of these information is mainly from internet. PMS/CSS Notes Contents Topic 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28.Nature of Science Contribution of Muslims Scientists Impact of Science on Society Universe Galaxy Solar system Sun Earth Atmosphere Weather Cloud Rain Acid Rain Minerals Rock (Mineral) Mineral Deposit Lava Solar and Lunar Eclipses Day and Night and their variation Energy Sources and Resources of Energy Energy conservation Ceramics Plastics Semiconductors Radio Television Telephones Page No. 3 3 4 5 5 7 7 7 8 9 12 13 14 17 17 19 20 22 23 23 23 24 24 24 25 25 30 30 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. Topic Page No.Camera 31 Lasers 31 Microscopes 34 Computers 36 Satellites 42 Antibiotics 42 Vaccines 45 Fertilizers 46 Pesticides 47 Microwave ovens 47 Immunization 48 Fingerprinting 49 Infra Red Radiation 50 Greenhouse Effect 50 Antimatter 53 Magma 54 Brain 55 Heart 60 Tissues 68 Epithelial Cell 68 Origin of Modern Humans 68 Pest Control 72 Protein 73 Vertebrate 74 Invertebrate 76 Liver 79 Enzymes 80 Organisms (Common to all living things) 82 2 1. NATURE OF SCIENCE Definition: Science can be defined as study â€Å"mainly concerned with the phenomenon of physical universe any or all of natural sciences or biological sciences. Or Science as the â€Å"the field of study which attempts to describe and understand the nature of the universe in whole or part. † Science is the faculty to reason out the how and why of the things as they occur in the phenomenal world or t he objective world†¦ Basically science is the study of laws of nature and man has developed science by observing. Infact this subject has completely transformed our power over nature and the world outlook. Development of the modern technology is directly the outcome of the development of modern science.Without the scientific revolution the industrial revolution would not have been possible. It has raised the human activity level by significant observations in the various fields of human existence. Whether it‘s the exploration of human health, industrial progress, agrarian developments and modern communication technologies, the benefits gained from this major subject are enormous. Infact it would not be wrong to say that we are living in the age of science and is a dominant factor in our day to day existence. 2. CONTRIBUTIONS OF MUSLIM SCIENTISTSMUHAMMAD BIN MUSA AL KHWARZIMI: Made lasting contributions in the fields of Mathematics, Astronomy, Music, Geography and History. He composed the oldest works on Arithmetic and on Algebra. The oldest Mathematic book composed by him is â€Å"Kitab ul jama wat tafriq† He is the first person who used zero and wrote†Hisab ul jabr Wal Muqabla† which is conceived to be an outstanding work on the subject which included analytical solutions of linear and quadratic equations. In the field of Astronomy he compiled his own tables which formed the basis of later astronomical pursuits in both East and West.He also contributed in the field of geographical science by writing a noteworthy book KItab ul Surat al ard. In Arabic. His book ? kitab al Tarik† is also a memorable work regarding history. AL BERUNI: Born in Afghanistan Beruni made original important contributions to science. He is conceived to be the most prominent scientists of the Islamic world who wrote around 150 books on various significant subjects concerning human existence. These subjects include Mathematics, History, Archeology, Biol ogy, Geology, Che m is try, Religion etc.He discussed the behavior of earth, moon, and planets in his book â€Å"Qanoon Almasudi† which is also considered as an outstanding astronomical encyclopedia. He also discovered seven different ways of finding the directions of north and south and discovered mathematical techniques to determine exactly the beginning of the seasons. Another notable discovery he made was that the speed of light is faster than sound . His wide range of scientific knowledge is also revealed through his books† kitab al saidana† and â€Å"kitab al jawahar† dealing with medicine and the types of gems their gravity respectively.He was a prolific writer whose works showed his versatility as a scientist. AL RAZI: The famous philosopher and a notable surgeon of the Muslim world, Zakriya Al Razi was born in Ray near modern Theran Iran. His eagerness for knowledge lead him to the study of Alchemy and Chemistry, philosophy, logic, Mathematics and Physics. He was a pioneer in many areas of medicine and treatment of health sciences in general, and in particular he worked alot in the fields of paeditrics, obsterics and ophthalmology.Al razi was the first person to introduce the use of Alcohol for medical purposes and opium for the objective of giving anesthesia to his patients. In the field of ophthalmology too Al razi gave an account of the operation for the extraction of the cataract and also the first scientist to discover the effect of the intensity of light on the eye. The modern studies confirm his understanding on the subject thus making him a great physician of all the times. ABU ALI IBN E SINA: Endowed with great powers of absorbing and retaining knowledge this Muslim scholar also made valuable contributions to he field of science. He is considered to be the founders of Medicine and also added his great efforts to the fields of Mathematics, Astronomy, Medicinial Chemistry, Philosophy, Palae ontology and Music. His most famous book is â€Å"Al Qannun† which brings out the features of human physiology and medicine. Sina is also considered as a father of the science of Geology on account of his invaluable book on mountains in which he discussed matters relating to earth's crust and gave scientific reasons for earthquakes.He is the author of 238 books which are fine instances of his thoughts regarding various subjects in diverse ways. JABIR BIN HAYAN: Introduced experimental research in chemical science which immensely added its rapid development and made him the Father of Chemistry. He devised methods for preparation of important chemicals like hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, and white lead. 3 Jabir's work also deal with the refinement of metals ,preparation of steel, dyeing of cloth and leather, use of magnese dioxide in glass making, distillation of vinegar to concentrate acetic acid.Jabir also explained scientifically two principle functions of chemistry, i. e. , calcination, and reduction and registered a marked improvement in the methods of evaporation, sublimation, distillation and crystallization He wrote more than 100 books which are one of the most outstanding contributions in the field of science especially the chemical science. ABDUL HASSAN IBN AL HAITHAM: One of the most outstanding Mathematicians, Physiologists, and Opticians of Islam. He contributed to the realms of medicine and philosophy. He wrote more than 200 scientific works on diverse subjects.Haitham examined the refraction of light rays through transparent objects including air and water. Infact he was the first scientist to elaborate two laws of reflection of light He made a number of monumental discoveries in the field of optics ,including one which locates retina as the seat of vision. His book on optics â€Å"Kitab Al Manazir† vividly shows his grip on the subject. He constructed a pinhole camera and studied formation of images . Due to his noteworthy contributions he is regarded as one of the prolific Muslim scientists of all times.OMAR AL KHAYAM: He was an outstanding Mathematician and Astronomer. He was also known as a poet, philosopher and a physician. He travelled to the great centers of learning of the era i. e. Samrakund, Bukhara, and Ispahan. He classified many algebraic equations based on their complexity and recognized thirteen different forms of cubic equation. He also classified algebraic theories of parallel lines. On the invitation of Sultan Jalal-ud- Din, he introduced the Jilali calendar which has an error of one day in 3770 years.He also developed accurate methods for determination of gravity as a poet too, he is known for his Rubaiyat. He made great contributions in the development of mathematics and analytical geometry which benefitted Europe several years later. NASIR UD DIN TUSI: Al tusi was one of the greatest scientists, Mathematicians, Astronomers, Philosophers, Theologians and physicians of his time. He was a prolific writer and wrote many treatises on varied subjects like Algebra, Arithmetic, Trignometry, Geometery, Logic, Met aphy sics, medicine, ethics and Theology.He served as a minister of Halaku Khan and persuaded him to establish an observatory and library after the destruction of Baghdad. He worked at the observatory and prepared precise tables regarding the motion of the planets. These are also known as â€Å"Tables of Khan† ZIA UD DIN IBN BAITAR: Was a famous botanist and pharmacopeias of middle ages. Because of his intensive travels, he was able to discover many plant species. He wrote many books regarding his field of specialty and is always considered as a prominent scientist among his Muslim counterparts 3.IMPACT OF SCIENCE ON SOCIETY Science is the organization of knowledge in such a way that it commands the hidden potential in nature. This hidden potential is surfaced out by the subject of science through the process of understanding. Science has proved to be of enormous beneficial nature . It h as made lasting impact on regarding each and every field of human existence. Whether it is concerned with our day to day lives or whether it is related with the various modern developments which have resulted in elevating the living standards of the individuals.The significant contributions which the study of this subject has made are enumerated below. SCIENCE AND HUMAN ATTITUDE: The various noteworthy scientific advances have helped the individuals in raising up of their self confidence . This subject has enabled the human beings to control and modify their needs and requriements. With greater understanding of the scientific phenomena human beings have now become more confident about the environmental issues as compared to the people in the past. Infact science has promoted and paved the way for the independent and logical thinking.SCIENCE AND HUMAN HEALTH: Before the development of modern medicinal factors, a large number of people used to lose their precious lives because of the unavailability of the sources and medicines for a proper health care. With the advancements of science now the human life expectancy rate has increased as the various modern developments in the field of health care has helped in warding off the dangerous diseases†¦ The revolutions in surgery and medicine the infectious diseases like small pox, malaria, typhoid etc. have been eradicated. Thus science has improved the health standards of the people. SCIENCE AND TRAVEL: People used to travel on foot before the inventions of automobiles,aeroplanes and steam engines. They also used animal carts and camels for the purpose of moving from one place to another. However, the modern scientific inventions have proved to be of great significance as it has added speed to the area of travel. The quick means of transportation have decreased the distances and are a source of saving time. In fact it would not be wrong to regard that these inventions have added much peace to the lives of the mode rn men.SCIENCE AND COMMUNICATION: Science has also played a significant part in the development of the modern communication technology. Earlier people were living in isolation because of the slow means of communication. Now the well developed, efficient media have made it possible to communicate with each other more rapidly and quickly. The impact of mass media is enormous. The use of computers and televisions has made the world a global village where an event in one part of the world leaves an influence on the other.DEMERITS OF SCIENCE: Every invention of science has got its own merits and demerits. The most serious invention that science has contributed to is the development of the weapons of mass destruction like the atom and nuclear bombs. The recent wars have greatly showed that how much destruction can be brought about with the use of these lethal weapons. In fact these modern inventions of science have resulted in the elevation of the anxiety and unrest in the modern societie s. Another notable demerit which the study of this subject has lead to the rise in the environmental deterioration.Day by day the pollution factor is increasing which has proved to be very toxic and harmful for the human health. Not only the human health it is also proving fatal for the animals as well as the existing plants. The rapid developments of science and industrialization have also divided the world. The developed and the undeveloped. This division has lead to a widening gap between the status and the living standards of people. There is economic disparity which has also given rise to class distinction 4. UNIVERSEThe BIG BANG THEORY about the universe is the most widely acceptable theories with regard to the origin of the universe. According to the big bang, the universe was created sometime between 10 billion and 20 billion years ago from a cosmic explosion that hurled matter and in all directions. All the galaxies were formed from this matter. Observations of these galaxi es show that they are still moving apart from each other . The universe is expanding Some scientists have suggested another theory as â€Å"steady theory:† to explain the process of the evolution of the universe.However the general notion on which all scientists agree is the theory of Big Bang. Steady theory is the theory about the universe and the observations by the astronomers have shown that the galaxies are moving away from each other and the universe seems to be expanding. The theory shows that the new matter is always being created to fill the space left by this expansion. The new matter moves apart and forms galaxies which continue to move apart. This means that the universe always look exactly the same. It has no beginning or end but in a steady state.However many observations have suggested that the universe has not always looked like the same. THE FUTURE OF UNIVERSE: At present the universe is expanding but the astronomers have questioned that whether or not this e xpansion will continue . Certain observations which have been made in this regard is that one possible ending of the universe will be the â€Å"big crunch?. The galaxies and other matter may be moving apart but their motion is restrained by their mutual gravitational attraction. If there is a sufficient matter in the universe gravity will eventually win and egin pulling the galaxies together again causing the universe to experience a reverse of the big bang i. e. , the BIG CRUNCH. However there is a possibility that there is not enough matter in the universe for the big crunch to happen. This means that if it happens then the universe will continue to expand forever. 5. GALAXY Galaxy is a huge number of stars grouped together. The term galaxy can also be described as a collection of dust, gas and stars measuring thousands of parsecs across. Galzxy contains 10000million stars and looks like a disc with a fat centre and spiral arms.From the front it looks like a convex lens‘s C lasses of galaxy: Two broad classes of galaxy are there. 1. Elliptical 2. Spiral the spiral galaxies are further sub divided into normal which constitutes of majority of spirals and barred spirals. Barred spirals have their centre in the form of the bar. The elliptical galaxies range from E 0 to E 7 from an almost spherical shape to a flattened disc. 5 Milky Way: Our galaxy is a spiral galaxy about 30,000 parsecs across. There are more than 200 billion stars in the galaxy.Its disc appears as a faint white band that is responsible for dividing the white sky at the night into two. The name of our galaxy is Milky Way. The galaxy has three spiral arms called the Orion, Perseus, and Sagittarius arms and the whole system is rotating in space. The sun revolves around the nucleus of the galaxy once in 225 million years. This duration is also called the cosmic year. I -INTRODUCTION: Milky Way, the large, disk-shaped aggregation of stars, or galaxy, that includes the Sun and its solar system. In addition to the Sun, the Milky Way contains about 400 billion other stars.There are hundreds of billions of other galaxies in the universe, some of which are much larger and contain many more stars than the Milky Way. The Milky Way is visible at night, appearing as a faintly luminous band that stretches across the sky. The name Milky Way is derived from Greek mythology, in which the band of light was said to be milk from the breast of the goddess Hera. Its hazy appearance results from the combined light of stars too far away to be distinguished individually by the unaided eye. All of the individual stars that are distinct in the sky lie within the Milky Way Galaxy.From the middle northern latitudes, the Milky Way is best seen on clear, moonless, summer nights, when it appears as a luminous, irregular band circling the sky from the northeastern to the southeastern horizon. It extends through the constellations Peruses, Cassiopeia, and Cepheus. In the region of the Northern Cross it divides into two streams: the western stream, which is bright as it passes through the Northern Cross, fades near Ophiuchus, or the Serpent Bearer, because of dense dust clouds, and appears again in Scorpio; and the eastern stream, which grows brighter as it passes southward through Sputum and Sagittarius.The brightest part of the Milky Way extends from Sputum to Scorpio, through Sagittarius. The center of the galaxy lies in the direction of Sagittarius and is about 25,000 light-years from the Sun (a light-year is the distance light travels in a year, about 9. 46 trillion km or 5. 88 trillion mi). II -STRUCTURE: Galaxies have three common shapes: elliptical, spiral, and irregular. Elliptical galaxies have an ovoid or globular shape and generally contain older stars. Spiral galaxies are disk-shaped with arms that curve around their edges, making these galaxies look like whirlpools.Spiral galaxies contain both old and young stars as well as numerous clouds of dust and gas from whic h new stars are born. Irregular galaxies have no regular structure. Astronomers believe that their structures were distorted by collisions with other galaxies. Astronomers classify the Milky Way as a large spiral or possibly a barred spiral galaxy, with several spiral arms coiling around a central bulge about 10,000 light-years thick. Stars in the central bulge are close together, while those in the arms are farther apart. The arms also contain clouds of interstellar dust and gas.The disk is about 100,000 light-years in diameter and is surrounded by a larger cloud of hydrogen gas. Surrounding this cloud in turn is a spherical halo that contains many separate globular clusters of stars mainly lying above or below the disk. This halo may be more than twice as wide as the disk itself. In addition, studies of galactic movements suggest that the Milky Way system contains far more matter than is accounted for by the visible disk and attendant clusters—up to 2,000 billion times more mass than the Sun contains.Astronomers have therefore speculated that the known Milky Way system is in turn surrounded by a much larger ring or halo of undetected matter known as dark matter. III -TYPES OF STARS: The Milky Way contains both the so-called type I stars, brilliant, blue stars; and type II stars, giant red stars. Blue stars tend to be younger because they burn furiously and use up all of their fuel within a few tens of millions of years. Red stars are usually older, and use their fuel at a slower rate that they can sustain for tens of billions of years.The central Milky Way and the halo are largely composed of the type II population. Most of this region is obscured behind dust clouds, which prevent visual observation. Astronomers have been able to detect light from this region at other wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum, however, using radio and infrared telescopes and satellites that detect X rays (see Radio Astronomy; Infrared Astronomy; X-Ray Astronomy). Su ch studies indicate compact objects near the galactic center, probably a massive black hole. A black hole is an object so dense that nothing, not even light, can escape its intense gravity.The center of the galaxy is home to clouds of antimatter particles, which reveal themselves by emitting gamma rays when they meet particles of matter and annihilate. Astronomers believe the antimatter particles provide more evidence for a massive black hole at the Milky Way‘s center. Observations of stars racing around the center also suggest the presence of a black hole. The stars orbit at speeds up to 1. 8 million km/h (1. 1 million mph)—17 times the speed at which Earth circles the Sun—even though they are hundreds of times farther from the center than Earth is from the Sun.The greater an object‘s mass, the faster an object orbiting it at a given distance will move. Whatever lies at the center of the galaxy must have a tremendous amount of mass packed into a relatively small area in order to cause these stars to orbit so quickly at such a distance. The most likely candidate is a black hole. Surrounding the central region is a fairly flat disk comprising stars of both type II and type I; the brightest members of the latter category are luminous, blue supergiant.Imbedded in the disk, and emerging from opposite sides of the central region, are the spiral arms, which contain a majority of the type I population together with much interstellar dust and gas. One arm passes in the vicinity of the Sun and includes the great nebula in Orion. See Nebula. 6 IV -ROTATION: The Milky Way rotates around an axis joining the galactic poles. Viewed from the north galactic pole, the rotation of the Milky Way is clockwise, and the spiral arms trail in the same direction. The period of rotation decreases with the distance from the center of the galactic system.In the neighborhood of the solar system the period of rotation is more than 200 million years. The speed of t he solar system due to the galactic rotation is about 220 km/sec (about 140 mi/sec). 6. SOLAR SYSTEM The solar system includes nine planets and sun being at the centre. All the planets revolve around the sun . The solar system also includes the asteroids, meteors and numerous comets. All of these travel around the sun in a particular orbit . The planets which are the significant part of the solar system namely,Mercury,venus,earth,mars,Jupiter,Saturn